About me
A real Berlin native with international experience, digital expertise and entrepreneurship
My role in projects
I work as an experienced digital expert with entrepreneurial vision and a sense of responsibility. My clients see me as a mediator that bridges agencies and partner companies, as an in-house moderator who corresponds with the team to the board of directors, as a project accelerator who brings the idea and goals to fruition, and as a facilitator who coaches with digital expertise. As an experienced consultant, not only have I acquired and procured effective methods, but I have applied them successfully. As a managing director and entrepreneur, I am as familiar with the many economic and organizational challenges faced by companies in today’s digital workplace as I am with their solutions.
My clients appreciate my professional and analytical competence, personal support as well as practical effectiveness in consulting services. As my client, you will also benefit from my elite networking circle throughout the digital world. Teams and business partners appreciate my open, communicative nature as well as my boldness and ability to embrace failure.

kauleo –
Working towards the future
I founded kauleo in 2010 as a digital consulting and implementation network. "kauleo" is Hawaiian for "advice" and "support” which is exactly the guiding principle of my work in the digital world.
As a managing director, I often felt that I was purely a project procurer for my employers. I could not advise clients on a deeper level that would shift their entire business through a complete digital transformation. Whether it was agency tidbits or comprehensive service tips, I would rather have been a partner at eye-level. Because of this, I founded kauleo where I work directly with my clients – not just for them.
kauleo identifies the most important collaborative trends of our generation, incorporating them into our mission principles:
Collaboration without a permanent office space and employment contracts, independent responsibility for each project and with every project partner, from freelancers to international organization, and almost all of our work will be remote with coordination via collaborative platforms.
Depending on the project requirements, I can put together my own support team or look for suitable partners to accommodate each client. This ranges from co-moderators in online workshops to long-term partnerships in collaborative projects.
During these times of increasing digital and technological complexity - VUCA world – my clients benefit from efficiency and flexibility as well as professional expertise. As a kauleo client, contact with me does not cease after a workshop. Feel assured that you can always contact me with questions or feedback.
And privately…
I am a true Berliner with vast global experience. My extensive stays and trips to France, Spain, Australia and China have enhanced my cultural understanding and ability to adapt communication.
I am an energetic character who finds her outlet indulging in outdoor sports from the water to the mountains, and I find peace and balance practicing yoga as a certified teacher. Above all, I am a proud mother who is in awe of the woman she has become.